Monday, June 25, 2012

worst night... check

I think literally part of me broke in half tonight.

You all already know. Nina went back home. ;-(

I'm just going to leave it at that and just say that God is still good. When will be the next time aurelie, Nina, and I will be together again... if it will even happen.

I just want to say thanks nina. You have completely and utterly changed everything I am. Along with Aurelie, I think we can say we pretty much dominated all of peru. I will never be able to thank you for literally carrying me through me exchange. You have been there when things were at their worst... and when they were at their best. You have been my #1 counselor in probably my entire life up to this point. You showed me what it means to be an intelligent person, yet still be humble.

And in your famous words "Don't be part of the problem, but part of the solution," I have learned that even in the smallest step forward, you still won't be falling back. Thank you for helping me to enjoy every single day of my exchange. In tens months, you have gone from a stranger to one of my very best friends in the entire world. And all I can say is that, "Aunque estabamos llorando todo la noche, desde cuando saliste de tu casa y tu mama no te hizo casa para despedirse de ti hasta el utlimo momento cuando no pudiste despedirte de aurelie porque la seguridad te jalaron por la puerta.... aunque tu nos vieras con lagrimas cayendo toda la noche, estamos felices. Lloramos esta noche porque Aurelie, tu, y yo compartimos un corazon este ano, discubrimos una nueva manera de vivir, nos perdimos en la cultura (la locura que conocemos como peru). Y despues de tanto tiempo juntos, te volviste mas a una hermana que a una amiga. Te quiero hermana mia. Nos vemos pronto."



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