Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I wouldn't normally tell you if I was fasting, but i think this time calls for it.

I started a Daniel fast with my host sister Carolina and my church two days ago. It basically consists of eating only natural things. All fruits, all vegetables, nothing from animals, and beans. So we started two days ago and it lasts for a total of 21 days.

I'm saying all this because God knows the timing of everything. I have a very hard time saying that my host grandmother just passed away. The one that had cancer. She was a very hilarious, and beautiful lady. I will never forget how she made me feel like I wasn't only her grandson, but her "favorite grandson," and prince;-)

That being said, God knew that Carolina would be going through this. He knew that my family needed prayer so.... this is it. I now know one specific reason why God has done this.

If you have time or feel called. Pray for my host family. I would appreciate being able to support them after they have done so much supporting of me...

Never doubt what the Lord is doing.



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