Monday, January 30, 2012

big weekend. (katy perry's mom and more)

I feel like every post I write should just start with wow. You don't know how many times i've unconsciously wrote that and had to delete it over and over again;-) Anyways...

I met Katy Perry's mom. Definitely "one to go down in the books." I think half of her husbands sermon I was caught staring at her and her similarities to Katy Perry. Just think shorter hair... and a wrinklier neck. ;-) haha But seriously, very astounding the similarity. Mr. Perry (Hudson) held back tears the entire sermon as he encouraged parents who have children that don't believe. He concluded the sermon asking for prayer, knowing that, his daughter not only doesn't believe, but is leading thousands of people away from the church. He said how he sits on the stages watching her concerts, seeing all the people raising their hands and singing with his daughter as if they were in a church worship service. But then he is reminded by all the glitter and glam that it isn't God they are praising- it is his daughter.


Probably one of the saddest and most touching things I have ever heard.

I learned a lot of things that night.

Listen for Gods voice. In the midst of the sermon and the parents crying, God told me that this "divine" appointment with Katy's Parents wasn't for Holly's Music, it wasn't even to get a simple picture with them. Meeting those parents was all about them. About praying for them. I literally got antsy in my chair as I thought of how intimately close they are to affecting MILLIONS of people. And right there I realized that the pressure they must feel to save there daughter must be tremendous. So... pray for them if you have the chance. In my time speaking with them, I reminded them how many people are praying for them; that they would not give in to what is easy because in the end LIGHT OVERCOMES DARKNESS... ALWAYS.

In the end, I spent about 8 minutes talking with the mom about about a bunch of random things (including holly's music), until she had to go back and take pictures again with all the peruvians who didn't speak english. It was a very surreal moment. And I learned that praying for Katy Perry here in my bedroom is equally as powerful as praying for her in a church with her very own parents.

We need to recognize that. Or at least I do... Prayer is powerful from wherever it may be, and whenever.

Here's a pic to enjoy. More to come in my video;-)



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