Wednesday, August 24, 2011

That was unexpected.

1) My first day of school i bought a raffle ticket for who knows what... anyways, turns out it was for a drawing for a peruvian USB (like all Machu Pichu and whatnot;-).. and somehow I won. They called out the name Lucas and I nearly fell over. haha but the school went crazy. It was a little bit exciting;-)

2) I EXPERIENCED MY FIRST EARTHQUAKE TODAY! It was crazy... I actually got a tiny bit dizzy/nauseous. But don't worry... it's totally normal here. ;-) It was crazy, we were in class and all of a sudden we felt a tiny shake, very small, for a very short time. Before I knew it the school had erupted with kids yelling and running everywhere...I thought it was another fire drill. ;-) Turns out the movement was from an earthquake at the border of Peru and Brazil... 6 on the scale;-) I wonder if Maggie felt it in Brazil?;-) That would definitely make my exchange.

3) Got my first package today!!! (and a new camera!) From my mom. ;-) now they package was expected... but the letter from holly was not;-) Holly sent me the most amazing letter, but what was so cool was she gave me this bracelet of hers that says "127 million orphans" on it, reminding her of those who are less fortunate. But seriously, she NEVER takes it off. You may have even seen it on her at one of her shows. I have even told her to take it off before. ;-) Anyways, it was sitting in the bottom of the envelope. Let's just say, there was a tall gringo crying in a car outside a post office in Peru... just maybe. ;-) Hey what can I say... you had to be there? You had to be me? Idk. All I can say, is I love holly... and my mom;-)

4) At the post office, i spotted another gringo (aka American). :-) and then another, and another. Well God allowed us to be sitting next to eachother while we waited;-) I talked with them and they happen to be a missionary family down here helping deaf children;-) It was crazy. I gave them my card and I think were going to try to hook up later on down the road. It was exciting. They have lived here for 2 years and aren't planning on moving back!

Anyways, gonna have to wait for tomorrow to meet more of my Exchange crew. I'm super tired and have to buy bread tomorrow morning... EARLY! Love you guys! ;-)



Words of Wisdom from Holly... my favorite.... "All for One, or it's all for nothing."

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