Friday, March 22, 2013


Passover is only 3 days away!!! It seems like we have almost one and for all gotten all of the yeast filled goodies out of the house. Everyone is scrambling trying to figure out what they are going to do with the extra time they now have on their hands. My aunt has decided to do the only thing she seems to know how to do... COOK! haha even though the fridge (and my belly for that matter) are completely full, it is like an itch that she constantly has to scratch - always cooking something.

It will be interesting to see what happens over these next few weeks. I have a total of 17 days off and have plans being thrown at me from every which way haha. Supposedly my family and I we are returning to the Dead Sea next week. (That I am very happy to be doing). I also have quite a few papers to write for my different classes as no vacation can be complete without mounds of schoolwork.

I'll post more with the free time that is coming. For the mean time, Shabbat Sholom!!!!!!


Luke Grigg

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